
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [2008]

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [2008]
Full Story Summary :-

Movie Spoiler Warning!! [Can Ruin A Movie Ending]

In the past, China was torn by a series of wars. A brutal and tyrannical warlord named Han (Jet Li) unites what was several kingdoms into one single massive empire. He conquers his enemies and becomes The Dragon Emperor. As his first act as Emperor, he orders the construction of the Great Wall of China, burying his former enemies beneath it and cursing their souls to hold it up for all eternity. The Emperor's mystics teach him supernatural mastery over the Five Elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal). Years pass, and Emperor Han begins to grow fearful that all he has accomplished will be lost upon his death. He hears of a witch, Zi Yuan (Yeoh), who is said to know the secret of immortality. Han sends his right-hand man, General Ming Guo (Wong), to find Zi Yuan and bring her to the palace. Ming finds Zi Yuan and they fall in love, resulting in jealousy from the Emperor, who desired Zi Yuan for himself. After Zi Yuan supposedly casts a spell on the Emperor in Sanskrit, a language he does not understand, he has Ming torn apart by horses and impales Zi Yuan with a sword, terribly wounding her. She then reveals that she had foreseen these events and casts a powerful curse on Emperor Han and his army; the Emperor is gruesomely burned alive and imprisoned within a shell of terracotta, as is his army, transforming them into the Terracotta Army. Zi Yuan escapes.

In 1946, 13 years after the events of The Mummy Returns, Alex O'Connell (Ford), son to Rick (Fraser) and Evelyn (Bello), locates Emperor Han's tomb with the financial backing of Professor Roger Wilson (Calder), an archaeology professor. There, three assistants are killed by various traps (corrosive gases, arrows and a razor disk). Alex is then attacked by an unknown woman, but succeeds in bringing the Emperor's coffin to Shanghai. Meanwhile, the British government entrusts the O'Connells to take the Eye Of Shangri-La back to China as a good faith gesture to the Chinese. It is revealed that Wilson is in league with a rogue military faction led by General Yang (Wong Chau-Sang) and his second-in-command, Choi (Meng), who see the Emperor as the only one who can bring order and greatness back to China. The mysterious woman from the tomb attacks the mummified Emperor in his coffin, which turns out to be a decoy. By accident, the magical fluid within the Eye lands on the statue of the carriage driver, which is revealed to be the actual body of the Emperor. The Emperor is brought back to life, although he remains trapped in his terracotta undead form. Han accepts the service of Choi and Yang but kills Wilson by seering decapitation. The woman from the excavation site, Lin (Leong), attempts to kill the Emperor with a magical dagger, the only weapon that can destroy him.

Along with Evelyn's brother Jonathan Carnahan (Hannah), who owns a Shanghai nightclub, the O'Connells and Lin travels to a tower in the Himalayas that will reveal the path to Shangri-La when the Eye is placed on top of it. With the help of the Yetis summoned by Lin, the group hold off Yang's soldiers, but cannot prevent the Emperor from learning the location of Shangri-La. The Emperor then tries to kill Alex but Rick jumps in the path of the sword, saving his son but fatally wounding himself in the process.

An avalanche triggered by Alex via a thrown grenade attached to some dynamite allows them to reach Shangri-La before Han and meet with Zi Yuan. After Lin vouches for the O'Connells, the ancient witch quickly heals Rick's wound. It is revealed that Lin is Zi Yuan's 2000-year-old daughter, both rendered immortal due to the power of the magic waters of Shangri-La. The magical dagger which Lin carries is the same dagger that the Emperor used to try to kill Zi Yuan two thousand years ago, with a powerful curse placed on it by Zi Yuan herself. Zi Yuan also reveals that she would have died if she had not been saved by the Yetis, and warns Alex that if the Emperor is allowed to drink from the Pool of Eternal Life, he will not only be able to raise his army, but be granted the power to transform into ancient and fearsome Chinese animal spirits. Alex and Lin have grown attached to each other, but Lin pushes the relationship away due to her immortality; after watching Zi Yuan mourn General Ming for centuries, she does not want to fall in love with Alex only to watch him grow old and die.

The Emperor eventually arrives and attacks them in Shangri-La and takes the dagger, breaks free of his terracotta form and bathes in the waters, which restores his human form and youth, replenishes his powers, and gives him the ability to shapeshift. He transforms into a gigantic three-headed dragon, kidnaps Lin, and flies to his tomb where he raises the Terracotta Army, now aided by General Yang's soldiers. The Emperor announces his plans to conquer the entire world and that once he leads his army across the Great Wall, they will be invincible. The O'Connells and Zi Yuan pursue the Emperor to the Great Wall where Zi Yuan sacrifices her and Lin's immortality to revive the workers killed and buried beneath The Great Wall, creating an undead army of her own, led by a vengeful, revived General Ming. The Army of the Dead, with aid from the group's modern weapons and air support, fights the Terracotta Army while Zi Yuan battles the Emperor; she is mortally wounded but succeeds in securing the dagger. Alex rescues the bound and gagged Lin.

The gang finally catches up, and Lin grieves after they find Zi Yuan dying soon after. Then, Emperor Han transforms into a horned Ogre and goes beneath the Great Wall in order to use his elemental powers to negate Zi Yuan's spell and draw Ming's army back underneath it. However, he is stopped by Alex. Yang and Choi are pushed into moving gears by Evelyn and Lin when they attempt to interfere, crushing and killing them both. Rick and Alex tackle the Emperor with the dagger but are severely outmatched, not just by his magical powers and transformation into an ogre, but by his martial arts skills, and the dagger is broken. Rick challenges the Emperor to a fair fight, and the Emperor agrees to fight Rick without powers. Rick manages to plunge the broken dagger hilt into the Emperor's chest while Alex stabs him with the tip of the blade from behind, simultaneously piercing his heart from both sides, releasing the dagger's curse; the Emperor is consumed from the inside out by a fury of molten lava, killing him. With The Emperor defeated, his army crumbles and turns to dust. Ming's army celebrates briefly before finally moving on to a peaceful afterlife.

The O'Connells return to Shanghai, where Alex and Lin fall in love again. Rick and Evelyn, and Alex and Lin, share kisses during a slow dance at a bar. Jonathan decides to move to Peru with the Eye of Shangri-La, which he has stolen himself, as he hopes there's no mummies in Peru. Unfortunately, an ending caption appears, explaining that shortly after his arrival, mummies were discovered in Peru.

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